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Author Dorian Cirrone Critique

Updated: Aug 11, 2018

Dorian Cirrone worked as a door-to-door survey taker, a dance teacher, a choreographer, a feature writer and assistant city editor for a daily newspaper, and a college English instructor before finding her true passion as a writer for children and teens. She is the author of The First Last Day, a middle-grade novel which will be published in June 2016. She has also written the young adult novels, Prom Kings and Drama Queens and Dancing in Red Shoes Will Kill You, which was named an ALA Popular Paperback and made the following lists: Amelia Bloomer List for Feminist Fiction, New York Public Library Best Books for the Teen Age, and BUST magazine’s “100 Young Adult Books for the Feminist Reader.” She has also written two Lindy Blues chapter books: The Missing Silver Dollar and The Big Scoop. Her poems, shorts stories, and essays for children and adults have been published in literary journals and anthologies. Dorian holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in English and has taught writing at the university level and at many workshops and conferences. She lives in South Florida and is the Assistant Regional Advisor for Florida’s Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI).

Offering a written critique of the first 10 pages of a novel manuscript within 4-6 weeks.

1 Comment

Tori Kelley
Tori Kelley
Aug 14, 2018


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